Telegram bot tutorial
Telegram bot tutorial

telegram bot tutorial

Start by chatting with BotFather, tell it the name of your bot, and create a username for it. Telegram actually has a bot for making bots. It is also very popular in Central Asia and parts of Africa, so it could be a fruitful platform if you’re building an app for users in those regions. Telegram Messenger has around 200 million monthly active users, so you’ll likely find an audience there that suits your business goals. Banking bots are one example, and cryptocurrency-focused bots abound on Telegram. Telegram users trust that their communications are private, which means you could find a ready audience for chatbots that process sensitive information. Although there’s some debate over Telegram’s encryption standards and whether they live up to their claims, the general perception of Telegram is that it’s a secure platform. Unsurprisingly, these efforts ended up highlighting the app’s privacy standards-a benefit you can capitalize on with your chatbot.

telegram bot tutorial

In response, the Russian government secured a judicial ruling that barred the use of the messaging app. Citing its commitment to user privacy, Telegram refused to allow government monitoring of citizens’ conversations on the platform. Telegram Messenger’s biggest media moment occurred when it was banned in Russia. What does all that privacy have to do with building Telegram bots? Quite a lot, actually. According to Telegram company literature, the messages you send (or receive) on the app are subject to rigorous privacy standards and cannot be read or accessed by anyone other than an intended recipient-and that includes Telegram itself. Launched initially as a messaging app focused on privacy and security, Telegram Messenger offers users an encrypted communication channel.

Telegram bot tutorial